PCYNAP Register

Once you register with PCYNAP:
1. You will learn about current p4c practices in the Asia Pacific region.
2. You will have opportunity to share and improve your p4c practice with others working in the Asia Pacific region.
3. You will be supported in forming/joining regional networks.
4. You may nominate children to join the PCYNAP Children’s Circle.
5. You may submit an expression of interest to deliver a PCYNAP Master class.
6. You may participate in the 2021 PCYNAP Master class series.

Your information will be available to people who have been approved on the register.
Your information will otherwise be kept confidential and only shared with your consent.
Any unauthorized use, or sharing of the contents with any third party, is expressly prohibited.

for your name to be included in this register you must be nominated by an existing member. Please contact the PCYNAP Officers if you are unsure about this.
Please provide details that are EITHER relevant to you as an individual, OR are relevant to the organization you represent.